Nosemonkey's EUtopia

In search of a European identity

September 16, 2005
by Nosemonkey
Comments Off on Kroes, Merkel and Commission impartiality

Kroes, Merkel and Commission impartiality

German elections: Controversial Dutch EU Competition Commissioner Neelie Kroes (who caused a bit of fuss a year ago during the confirmation hearings for Barroso’s Commission thanks to her links to umpteen business interests and unproven allegations of shady dealings) has … Continue reading

August 30, 2005
by Nosemonkey

German elections roundup

German elections: Despite weekend polls giving the CDU/CSU opposition a 13% lead, another recent poll reckons that Gerhard Schr�der remains Germany’s preferred Chancellor. Will Merkel’s latest announcement tip the balance, or has it already been tipped? Confusing, this polling business … Continue reading