Nosemonkey's EUtopia

In search of a European identity

Book pimping

That McKeating has a book out, a lovely roundup of the best of British blogging from the last year or so, give or take. It’s really rather good – even though I’m in it. In fact, it’s largely to spite him that I changed the blog address three days before it’s officially published, making the thing out of date already. Ha!

Anyway, go on, buy it… I’ll be putting a proper review up here at some point, once I’ve got clearance – it’ll be appearing in the TLS at some point in the next few weeks – but rest assured that it actually is rather decent. Arranged by subject rather than date, which makes for a far more entertaining lavatory read.

(Speaking of publishing type things, I should have a review of a halfway decent tome on Internet Politics in this week’s TLS, should you spot it… If I get the OK I’ll probably whack it up here or at The Sharpener at some point soon.)

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