Yet another Russian riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma. This is why Russia’s always so fascinating. And terrifying…
“Shared leadership has never worked in Russia”
“Vladimir Putin’s legacy to his successor as Russia’s president is a form of authoritarian governance that is becoming a serious and active rival to democracy”
“Indifference towards authoritarianism means that when Russia goes to vote, it will be an act of mass obedience on the part of a society unable to imagine anything better”
“Worried about your March 2nd election story?” – ha! Spot on…
Hell, he’s only going to be the single most important foreign leader the next US president’s going to have to deal with, after all…
“Four men are vying for the top job – Putin’s Poodle, the Neo-Communist, Mad Vlad, and the liberal Masonic Grandmaster who likes to blog”
“An investigative journalist who reported that the Kremlin maintained secret funds to finance political parties, was refused entry to Russia… after border guards said she was a threat to national security”
links for 2008-02-28: Russian election special
February 28, 2008