“Jerzy Stepien, the tribunal’s presiding judge, said the law’s scope had been too wide and that lustration should only apply to senior officials”
A rough guide to past fraud and future importance – only a brief mention for Britain’s dodgy involvement, though…
Zimbabwe to head UN body promoting economic progress and environmental protection
Gas deal with Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan likely to screw the EU
Hubert Vedrine, anti-US Foreign Minister under Jospin and former spokesman for Mitterrand, so rumours say
If Francois Fillon becomes PM, then yes…
Russia, Europe, and identity crises in the post-Soviet east
Do EU leaders care?
Everyone loves Knut the cute!
Proves he’s a dangerous idiot
A brief primer
The day after the nationwide municipal election campaign kicked off
A wonderfully pessimistic take on Europe’s future, full of surprising levels of ignorance considering the author’s long CV
Launch issue: All German-speaking and English-speaking bloggers are invited to publish contributions on the subject of the “Russian media” between 1 and 30 June 2007
Some I’d seen, most I hadn’t – courtesy of Kosmopolit
Yet another example of Blair’s lack of historical knowledge…
The mighty Vaclav Havel on post-Soviet Czech politics
links for 2007-05-13
May 13, 2007
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