Rachel’s nutter has got nuttier – and gone on the run
Good stuff on Cameron and education policy
A nice overview of the various bits of madness of the last few days
Orange Revolution officially dead
Poor taste, I know, but still…
“Everything he said about European economic policy can be neatly classified into two categories. It is either inflationary or protectionist. They are the kind of proposals that give policy co-ordination a bad name.”
A handy overview of Europe’s single biggest problem
The sheer openness of the attacks is ample proof of just how backwards Russia still remains. Disapprove of Peter Tatchell by all means, but physically assaulting him?
The weekly roundup of halfway decent stuff
Is Prodi’s government about to collapse (again)?
Pretty much a 50:50 left:right split
As Homer Simpson would say, it’s funny because it’s true…
On Poland’s inability to forgive and forget
Good to see that a couple of those I insisted on including managed to win – and huzzahs all round.
links for 2007-05-29
May 29, 2007