(Only a bit more Scottish). Yep, it’s Prime Minister Brown…
Hurrah! EU Referendum finally seems to be covering the EU again, and without the usual eurosceptic bile to boot!
On Labour’s utter contempt for its members
“For connoisseurs of truly dismal Soviet-style rudeness, apathy, squalor and clashing shades of muddy pastel, it is still unmissable”
A brief introduction to Francois Fillon
He’s been a busy boy, has Sarko – a handy summary of the first 48 hours
Why France can’t blame Brussels (in French)
Britain and the EU, opening with one of the most accurate quotes about EU politics ever committed to paper
Gordon Brown’s coming EU battle with the popular press
It’s not been a good one: a quick look at the ongoing problems of Italian politics
Very optimistic reasons, but still: anyone who’s not Chirac has to be a good thing, right?
Robert Amsterdam on Germany, Russia and European energy supplies
While everyone’s been focussing on Estonia, they seem to have missed the strange disappearance of the Lithuanian business tycoon…
From me at the Pocket Films blog: featuring David Fincher, Samuel L Jackson, Christina Ricci, Jake Gyllenhaal, Robert Downey Jr, Brian Cox, Chloe Sevigny and Mark Ruffalo, amongst others
links for 2007-05-18
May 18, 2007
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