In search of a European identity
“What you say on the Internet can affect your real life. Due to what I said online, I now have an FBI file. And due to certain policies that a certain administration has instituted, I could now be placed on the government’s “no-fly” list, could be subject to random searches of private property without my knowledge or permission, and could be subject to wiretapping surveillance. I doubt that any of these things will happen (except with the “no-fly” list � according to my attorney, that’s a strong possibility and is something we are looking into), and I could just be being paranoid, but after the Secret Service showed up on my doorstep, I think I’m entitled to a little paranoia. Because shit, I never thought THAT would happen, either. So be aware.”
Hooray for the land of the free!
(I wonder if Charlie ‘s had a visit yet?)
Update: Just found the offending post via Google’s cache. I shall whack it in a comment beneath this, if you’re interested. Oh, and for any FBI / CIA types out there – I’m really not stupid enough to want Bush dead. A Cheney presidency is the last thing we need…
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