E-day minus 4 and it’s the home straight for BC and KE ’04. Kerry looks worried, dragging former President Clinton from his hospital bed. However, despite the infamous wolves ad, which leapt out of the GOP camp last week, Bush is under a suprising amount of pressure.
An early video has been unearthed of Bush preparing for a broadcast in a somewhat unconventional way. The usually grey and starched Economist magazine has come out in favour of Kerry. It seems that Bush’s huge crowds as portrayed in election broadcasts may not have been composed of real people. More seriously 58,000 absentee votes have gone missing in Florida – where, lest we forget, the election was decided by a mere few hundred votes four years ago. Finally there is the matter of missing explosives in Iraq, an issue that Bush is only now responding to… with a a tirade of abuse aimed at Kerry.
This last issue could be more important than it seems (politically). It plays into Kerry’s accusations that this administration’s military ventures have been conducted in a haphazard and harmfully gung-ho manner, without the necessary follow-through in terms of securing installations and restoring the peace. The other revelations are somewhat less damaging, though the missing ballots story raises the depressing prospect that this election could be even more bitter, divisive and exhausting than 2004.