This website is long overdue an overhaul and extensive update. Much information will no longer be valid in the meantime. Please check my LinkedIn profile for latest job information.
To explore the archives of my now mothballed but once well-regarded European politics blog (also in need of a code refresh, as some parts of the back end now date back over 20 years), check the Nosemonkey’s EUtopia Archive.
Meet the new company
As of July 2024, I’ve been setting up an independent branding, marketing and content consultancy with some talented ex-colleagues and contacts: Check out Nosemonkey Ltd Content & Brand Consulting

Leading EMEA content strategy and production for WPP’s only dedicated content marketing agency, covering everything from financial and professional services through pharmaceuticals and FMCG. Then acting as PwC’s Global Technology Content Lead.

Before that
Leading multi-market editorial planning, production and distribution for Microsoft’s MSN International and apps, running a team that drives >1.5 billion monthly pageviews across 55 markets in 27 languages across news, entertainment, lifestyle, sport, travel, tech, finance, and major events

A long time ago
Winner, European Parliament Prize for Journalism (as Nosemonkey); editor at BBC Worldwide, AOL UK, Gibson Square Books, Archant Specialist and more; writer for the Times Literary Supplement, Virgin Books and more; social media strategist / information architect / web project manager at various media organisations
Available for
Branding, marketing and content consultancy, speaking engagements, freelance writing, interesting discussions over coffee (or something stronger)
Get in touch
Email: james [@], or try me via LinkedIn